EndSARS: There can’t be peace walk without justice, CDHR tells Sanwo-Olu

 The National President of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, Nigeria, Kehinde Taiga, on Wednesday faulted the call by the Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwo-Olu for a peace walk this December describing it as of no use “when justice hasn’t been served as expected”.

The CDHR leader, in a signed press statement released on Wednesday, declared that “there can’t be a peace walk without justice”.

Reacting to the governor’s White Paper issued over the Lagos State Judicial Panel of enquiry report of the ENDSARS protest at the Lekki toll gate on October, 20, 2020, the CDHR president insisted that “having considered and accepted 11 out of the 32 recommendations made by the Retired Justice Doris Okuwobi led judicial panel, it is important that the governor must summon the needed courage in making sure justice is duly served where necessary and never to allow the culprits be swept under the carpet so that the gap of mistrust among the government and the people won’t continue to widen.”

He then declared, “We also note the call of governor Sanwo-Olu for a peace walk within this December, but we say that it is of no use to arrange for a peace walk when justice hasn’t been served as expected. So, there can’t be a peace walk without justice.”
